After working in it for 25 years, I can confidently say that the criminal justice system in the United States of America is the best system within which to pursue justice while balancing individual freedoms – it is the best in our current world, in my opinion. Unfortunately, it is a very complex system involving many moving parts, most of which are human, and that means the system is not immune to mistakes and abuses. When one’s freedom is in the balance, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that a unbiased investigation is obtained.
A criminal defense attorney needs all information dealing with the crime his client is accused of committing to determine the best defense. Unfortunately, not all the information is contained in the reports obtained by the defense attorney and sometimes, information may be inaccurate, or at least incomplete enough to paint a different picture than the reality of the situation in the moment it occurred.
Depending on the size of the defense attorney’s firm, resources may be limited and may not match the resources or experience of the prosecuting attorney’s office, or the vast resources of the governmental policing model.
At Brown Investigative Services, our attention to detail within our experienced investigations can assist in obtaining all the information and determining if any crucial details were overlooked.
Our firm can assist criminal defense attorneys and firms by providing the following:
- Review all discovery obtained in the case to ensure completeness and accuracy
- Conduct witness interviews and re-interview crucial witnesses
- Witness screening and evaluation
- Review of officer’s use of force
- Deposition assistance
- Assist voir Dire and jury process
- Crime scene evaluation and processing
- Service of process
- Location of witnesses or people of interest
- Surveillance of individuals
- Area canvassing to obtain additional evidence or witness statements